How Shipping Methods Work in Airhouse

As orders come through Airhouse, we check the shipping method your customer selected to determine how an order will ship. This method relies on mapping the rate name to an Airhouse mapped method (shown below).

If an order does not have a valid and mapped shipping method, Airhouse will use the default shipping method that you set with your Account Manager during onboarding.

All internally placed orders will utilize the default shipping method. Defaults are set to "Standard Shipping" and "International Standard" if unspecified during onboarding.

How to Name Methods

Below are the available options for shipping method names. In order to use these services, make sure to enter the exact name in the Rate Name column in your e-commerce platform (e.g. "Standard Shipping"). In the case where there are multiple methods listed in Mapped Methods, the method being sent will depend on the warehouse location shipping the order.

Please reach out to your Account Manager if you have questions about which shipping methods are available at your warehouse location.

Any method with a * is only available at select warehouses.

Method Names

How Standard Shipping Works

By default, when an order is set to use the Standard Shipping method, Airhouse will take the weight and warehouse location into consideration to determine the optimal method.

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