Effective Date/Last Revision: July 14, 2023

This Policy outlines the storage of liquid goods for Airhouse Inc (”Airhouse”). By using our software, logistics services, and any other related products, you agree to comply with the latest version of our Liquid Goods Policy.


Liquid Products have potential to leak while in storage and cause damage, pest problems, and/or health and safety concerns. Such Products include but are not limited to: beverages, liquid condiments, liquid food, liquid supplements, liquid health and wellness goods.

Container/Packing requirements:

Customer is responsible for ensuring that all liquid Products sent to Airhouse for fulfillment meet the following criteria:

Liquid Inventory Audit:

Airhouse may, on a case by case basis, agree to packaging and prep work, either as a project or at time of fulfillment, intended to protect fragile Products containing liquid in transit from breakage, in general, exclusive of preventing leaks. If Products are discovered to be wet or leaking for any reason whatsoever, such Products must be immediately quarantined to maintain a clean, safe warehouse environment and integrity of nearby inventory. In these cases, Airhouse will initiate an automatic inventory audit.

Airhouse will notify Customer as soon as possible and initiate an Audit to determine cause of leakage and number of affected units. Such Audits are not optional, and by storing liquid Products, Customer consents to the possibility of such an Audit if Products are found to leak.

Quarantine and disposal: